
Dubai Signage Approval

Dubai Signage Approval

If you are planning to install any type of signage in Dubai, it is important to obtain approval from the Dubai Municipality to ensure that the signage is safe and compliant with regulations. The Dubai Municipality has set guidelines and regulations for signage installation to ensure that the signs are visible, durable, and do not cause any obstruction to pedestrians or traffic.

We are approval providing team in Dubai. we take all kind of approval in Dubai. we have specialized engineers to take approval for Dubai Signage. our engineers are certified in Dubai. we design drawings as per the rules and regulations for Dubai Signage Approval. and we find all kinds of solution to obtain Dubai Signage Approval. Get official signage approvals in Dubai for your signs through our services, guaranteeing the application acceptance.
If you want to learn more about Dubai Signage Approval, please feel free to contact us.

The Dubai Signage Approval Process:

Obtain the necessary permits: Before starting any signage and sign board installation work in Dubai, you will need to obtain the necessary permits from the Dubai Municipality. This includes a trade license and a permit for carrying out signage installation work.

Submit detailed drawings: Detailed drawings of the proposed signage need to be submitted to the Municipality for review and approval. The drawings should include information on the size, materials to be used, electrical and lighting plans, and the location where the signage will be installed.

Get approvals from relevant authorities: Once the Municipality approves the signage drawings, you will need to obtain approvals from other relevant authorities. This includes DEWA for electrical works and the Dubai Civil Defense for fire safety measures.

Install the signage: Once all the approvals are obtained, you can commence the installation work. It is important to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and regulations.

Obtain a completion certificate: After completing the installation work, you will need to obtain a completion certificate from the Municipality. This certificate confirms that the work has been carried out in compliance with the regulations and guidelines set by the Dubai Municipality.

Required Documents for Dubai Signage Approval:

  • Trade license
  • Permit for carrying out signage installation work
  • Detailed drawings of proposed signage
  • Electrical and lighting plans
  • NOC from DEWA
  • Fire safety measures plan
  • NOC from Dubai Civil Defense
  • Soil test report (if applicable)
  • Other documents (depending on the nature of the project)
  • It is important to ensure that all the necessary documents are submitted to the Municipality to avoid any delays or issues with the approval process.

In conclusion, obtaining Signage Approval in Dubai is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and compliance of the signage installation work. It is important to follow the regulations and guidelines set by the Municipality for Sign Board Approvals in Dubai and obtain all the necessary approvals before commencing the work.


Is it mandatory to obtain Signage Approval in Dubai, for any type of signage installation work?

Yes, it is mandatory to obtain approval from the Dubai Municipality for any type of signage installation work in Dubai. Call us for more details.

What are the documents required for Signage Approval in Dubai?

The required documents for Dubai Signage Approval include a trade license, permit for carrying out signage installation work, detailed drawings of proposed signage, electrical and lighting plans, NOC from DEWA, fire safety measures plan, NOC from Dubai Civil Defense, soil test report (if applicable), and other documents (depending on the nature of the project).

How long does it take to obtain Dubai Signage Approval?

The approval process can take up to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the completeness of the submitted documents.Call us for more details.

Can I start the signage installation work before obtaining Approval?

No, it is illegal to commence any signage installation work without obtaining the necessary approvals from the Dubai Municipality.Call us for more details.

What happens if I do not obtain Dubai Signage Approval for the installation work?

Carrying out any signage installation work without obtaining the necessary approvals from the Dubai Municipality can result in penalties, fines, and legal action.Call us for more details.

Can I make changes to the approved signage plans during the installation phase?

Any changes to the approved signage plans need to be submitted to the Dubai Municipality for review.Call us for more details.


We are not a government entity, but we are an approved contractor. The views expressed on this website are our own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the government.

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